When we don't know what we want, knowing what we don't know is the best second option available.


The best way to achieve success is that doggy determination that takes us towards what we want.

But oftentimes, we don’t really know what we want. Or we want something that could be achieved from different paths and we have no idea which path is the best to go.

At the end, whatever we do in life has two purposes: know ourselves as we are now, and develop. Expansion is the goal. Our inner landscape is the constraint.

The process is akin breathing, or walking. We expand, encounter the outside and develop our inner awareness from the way that feedback feels.

This is an indirect process that leads us towards what we want even before we know what we want, simply by paying attention to what we don’t want.

When we feel we don’t want something, it doesn’t end there, Then we need to know why we don’t want it. It can be part of our virtuous side or our not so virtuous side. If we practice silence, we will know the answer.  This brutal honesty is a vital part of our development.

If the reason is part of our good side, we follow it. If it’s adviced by our limited side, we don’t.

This way, little by little, we move towards a genuine life. From that ingenuity, we are in conditions to see and then seek the life we really want.

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